Most important mcqs of economics, for all types of jobs test preparation with explanation, part 6

In theory of Keynesian employment level is mainly connected to,

1.                 Fluctuation in prices

2.                 Fluctuation in national-income

3.                 Fluctuating real-wage-rates

4.                 Adjustment’s in Government expenditures

In great depression of 1939, Keynes presents theory and according to this theory government should more attention on expenditures due to this employment increase so purchasing power also increase, then economy boost. 

A deflationary gab is measured by the:

1.                 Employment-Rate

2.                 Balance-of-trade-deficit

3.                 Raise in injection desirable to achieve full-employment

4.                  Deflation-Rate

When aggregate-demand is less than aggregate-supply then deflationary-gap will be appeared.


When aggregate-demand is greater than aggregate-supply then inflationary-gap will be appeared.


Income line is always 45 degree line and income also called aggregate supply. Consumption line cannot start from zero and consumption also called aggregate demand. At equilibrium point all resources are fully employed. If income decrease then AD>AS, prices increase and this alternate return to equilibrium point. If income increase, then AD<AS, for the purpose of decreasing supply companies getting out their employs and this alternate return to equilibrium point.

A raise in exports of a country will tends to:

1.                 Decrease the domestic supply of money

2.                 Decrease its trade-surplus

3.                 A raise up-ward pressure’ on rate of exchange

4.                 Raise in unemployment at domestic level

MRS for goods X and Y are gained by:

1.                 Demand curve slope

2.                 Supply curve slope

3.                 Budget line slope

4.                 Indifference curve slope

The most profitable resources of the commercial banks are:

1.                 Balance at the central-bank

2.                 Appropriate commercial-bill’s

3.                 Treasury-bills

4.                 Loans-and-advances

Commercial banks gain more profit from loans and advances, so this is profitable asset of any commercial bank.

Which is suggested by existence of a negative-externality?

1.                 Individual is not the good judge of their personal well beings

2.                 Out-put is less than its optimal-level

3.                 Producer’s are not profit maxi-misers

4.   There is a divergence between private and social costs                                          

For example factories produce product at the same time these factories create pollution in environment so the pollution is externality.

The example of fiscal policy is:

1.                 A decrease in value-added-tax

2.                 The adjustment of the foreign-exchange-rate

3.                 The introduction of a ceiling on wage raise in private-sector

4.                 An decrease of credit controls

Fiscal policy is where’s government is changes in taxes and expenditures.

The regressive-tax is indicated as:

1.           Every tax payers to pay the similar total quantity of their income in taxation’

2.           Higher income earner’s to give more taxes’ then lower income-earner’s

3.           Higher income earner’s to give a lower amount of their income in taxes’ then lower income-earner’s

4.           Higher income-earner’s to pay a high amount of their income in taxes’ then lower income-earner’s

Regressive tax is higher income-earner’s to pay a low amount of their income in taxes’ then lower income-earner’s for example any two people A and B separately purchase Madison with Rs 500, the income of A is 20,000 and the income of B is 50,000, and sales tax is Rs 100 so both are equally pay 100 sales tax.

The principle of acceleration postulate’s that:

1.     The net investment rate of change influence national-income

2.     The output rate of change influence net-investment

3.     The net investment rate of change is determined by the output level

4.     The ratio of capital-output change’s as demand-change’s

Regarding theory of Keynes, in a closed-economy without govern-ment, intended saving’s brought in to equal opportunity with planed-investment by changes’ in:

1.                 Interest rate

2.                 Level of national-income

3.                 Autonomous consumption level

4.                 Induced consumption level

Keynes always said that saving and investment brought up the equity in to the level of national income.

Assume that the supply of good “A” is perfectly-elastic. If the demand’ for this good rises:

1.     The equi-librium price or quantity will raise

2.     The equi-librium price or quantity will decline

3.     The equi-librium quantity’ will raise but the no change in price

4.     The equi-librium price will raise but the no change in quantity

The demand and supply curve at equilibrium point E, if demand for product increase then demand curve shift rightward, perfectly elastic supply curve shift upward so at that point price will not change.

If the demands-curve for merchandise “A” moves to the right’, and the price of merchandise “B” decrease, it can-be shows that:

1.                 “A” and “B” are substitute-goods

2.                 “A” and “B” are complementary-goods

3.                 “A” is an inferior-good, and “B” is a superior-good

4.                 Both goods “A” and “B” are inferior-goods

If demand for product “A” increase then price of product “B” decrease these are called complementary goods.

The total-utility concurs with the marginal-utility:

1.     For the 1st unit consumed’

2.     The same utility’ from the con-sumption of the combination of 2 products

3.     Identical income of consumer

4.     Identical price’s of the products-consumed

The indifference-curve defines as:

1.     The same combination of two-goods

2.     The same utility from the con-sumption of the combination of two-goods

3.     The same income of consumer

4.     The same price’s of the goods-consume

Indifference shows the combination of two goods X and Y which shows equal utility.

The point’s placed at the inter-section of the budget-line with the axes of coordinate represent:

1.                 The consumer’s all income does-not spend

2.                 The consumer’s spend total income on only 1 good’

3.                 The consumer’ spend totally zero

4.                 These are the impossible point’s to achieve by the consumer’

With perfect-combination the market is:

1.     The firm is a price-taker, means that it takes over the price of market

2.     The firm is a price-maker means that it determine the price of market

3.     The products of companies are differentiate

4.     barriers  of  Input –are mineral, and barriers of exit are-maximal

 In perfect combination markets are always price taker.  In monopoly markets are always price maker.

“A good is produced under perfect competition” Which of the condition shows:

1.                 Higher Producer profit

2.                 Smaller Producer profit

3.                 Inelastic Total supply

4.                 Individual-demand is perfectly-elastic

Individual demand is perfectly elastic means against market condition, small increase in price then demand maybe zero.

There is a difference among perfect-competition and monopolistic-competition as regards:

1.                 Entry in a market

2.                 Number of sellers’ and buyers’

3.                 Market-power of competitor

4.                 Homo-geneity of product’s

The basic features of public goods are follows as:

1.                 State owned

2.                 Characterized by non excludability and non rivalry

3.                 Characterized by exclude-ability and-rivalry

4.                 May-be +tv or -tv

Non excludability means no one can exclude from it everyone has right to consume these goods and non-rivalry means consumption of one person cannot effect the consumption of anyone, consume it as you want.

Pakistan domestic saving rate is:

1.                 2%

2.                 8%

3.                 22%

4.                 28%

 Pakistan per capita income at constant price in 2017was (in dollars):

1.                 1629

2.                 2629

3.                 4629

4.                 6029

Contribution of industrial sector in GDP of Pakistan is:

1.                 10%

2.                 20%

3.                 30%

4.                 40%

Unemployment rate in Pakistan is:

1.                 6%

2.                 16%

3.                 26%

4.                 29%

State bank of Pakistan was established in:

1.                 1954

2.                 1952

3.                 1950

4.                 1948

These all are related to current figures so you should prepare current figures.

Treasury bill is used for:

1.                 Getting short-term-loans

2.                 Getting long-term-loans

3.                 Treasury bill is not a credit instrument

4.                 Treasury bill is a government tax bill

Pakistan fiscal year start from;

1.                 1st January

2.                 1st April

3.                 1st July

4.                 1st September

If tax-rate increases with raise in income’, it is called;

1.                 Proportional-Tax

2.                 Regressive-Tax

3.                 Progressive-Tax

4.                 Value Added-Tax

If the face value of money is greater than its intrinsic value, it is called:

1.                 Token-Money

2.                 Standard-Money

3.                 Paper-Money

4.                 Credit-Money



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