Theory of Consumer Behavior (Ordinal Utility Approach)

Evolution: -- Francis Edgeworth of  great britian introduced the concept of “ indifference curve” for the first time in 1881.then atalian economist parato presented this theory with some modifications.finaly J.R.Hicks and R.G.D.Allen has completed this theory in 1930.

This theory is known by a variety of its names as it is called

Neo-classical theory’ of consumers behavior’ --------Hicksian theory of consumers behavior’

“Optimal choice theory” -------------and—indifference curve theory  

The basic idea of IC. basic idea behind indifference curve theory is as &

i. Consumer retains a number’ of pairs of two goods in his brain which provide him equal more or less satisfaction’. (an individual is able to rank them in order of preference)

ii. utility can be ranked qualitatively (so, this approach is known as ordinal approach).

Aim of IC theory.the aim of this theory is solve the problem of consumer as &

i. to clarify how consumer purchasing pattern can interrelate with his given amount of  money and with the given prices of all goods he might consume.

ii. to see what can be said about the nature of the equilibrium position.

iii. to predict the effect-----on his equilibrium ------ of the changes of prices, income, taste.


1:-- Rationality of consumer: --- he is well informed about the prices of market, about his income’, and about his preferences’, so in this situation he desires to maximize his satisfaction.

2:--Ranking of the utility:---the consumer is able to rank the various bundle in order of  preferences so that he knows which give him equal;, more or less satisfaction.

3:--Two Commodity Model: --- as ----------------------U=f(x,y)    there is two commodities

---------------------- “X and Y”---------------------

4:--Good Are Divisible: --- Therefore, in the combination of two goods, a consumer can-also hold half and quarter units’ of the two good’s.

5:--prefrence and disprefrence: --- a consumer has a clear view about that .he does not wish to get the combination of “ airpollution and the noise” for this he shows disprefrence.

5:-- Axiom of consistency: --- it mean if in one period he prefers “A” combination to “B” in other period he will not prefer “B” to “A”

 6:--Reflexivness: --- any combination like “A” is indifferent in it self.

6:-- Axiom of dominance: --- this assumption states that a consumer

Prefers --------------. ----------------More to less-------------

Explain consumer equilibrium by ordinal approach

Or with the help of indifference curve. Or neo classical approach

According to the ordinal approach “when the budget line is tangent to the highest possible indifference curve, then the consumer is in equili-brium.

Now first of all we define 1. What is indifference curve?

Then we see about the      2. Budget line

And at last                       3. We combine both of them and get the equilibrium of consumer.

Indifference curve:--

Indifference: --- mean here regards the combination of two goods equally desirable

Definations: -------------------------&

i) ---   A curve showing a series of “bundle” of two goods so that consumer remain indifferent Among them “is indifference curve.

ii) --- A curve’ which indicates differing combination of 2 goods like x and y which give a consumer ------ an equal-level of satisfication -------- is indifference curve.

iii) --- an indifference curve is the locus of all points in the commodity space that are equally attracted to the consumer.

Example --- “ we can say an indifference is equal to basket of roses”.every combination of two goods at the “same indifference” curve ii like as a combination of two roses from the basket which give the same smell to the person.

Becoz two goods are used in IC approach therefore ------ U = f(X,Y)

Now we construct indifference curve with the help of schedule and diagram.





























With the help of scheduled we draw an IC which shows the different combination of twoGoods X and Y give the same satisfaction.

Indifference curve map: ---

The curve IC concerned with the pairs providing Equal satisfication at the same IC

But sometime more or less satisfication can lies

n  This is shown in the IC map

In this map IC1 shows the preferred combination

Than IC0---- hence IC0 shows the lower level of satisfication.

Budget line: ----: an indifference curve indicates differing combination of 2 goods’ x and y which yield an equal-level of satisfaction. Now the question is this which combination of two goods --- a consumer can afford.this is concerned with the budget line, price line or budget constraint. It is define as----------&

Definition: ------- budget-line is a curve which indicates differing combination of 2 good’s like x and y which a consumer can buy, --- while the consumer,s income’.prices of x and y are specified”        it is as’ --------- Xpx+     Ypy=1

X and Y are goods, px, py are the prices’ of X and Y and I= income

Explanation: ------ suppose a consumer has income = 10           px=2    and py=1

i:------- if he spend all his money on good x he can purchase 5 units ---- as Y/PX.  10/2=5.

ii:------- if he spend all his money on good y he can purchase 10 units ---- asY/PY.  10/1=10.

Note: ---- this is his budget constraint—maximum 5 of x and 10 of y he can purchases,under this line all combination of two goods are attainable, as shown in the schedule-------




Xpx + xpy       =1



















0(2)  + 1(10)    =10

1(2)  + 8(1)      =10

2(2)  + 6(1)      =10

3(2)  + 4(1)      =10

4(2)  + 2(1)      =10

5(2)  + 0(1)      =10


Ploting these values in the diagram we get the budget line -----------AF   under this      all pairs of x and y are Attainable, and where the income Of consumer is fully spent on the pair’s--------A, .B, .C, .D, .E, .F.

Budget-line Properties: -----

1:------ the budget line is the locus of all combination of X and Y that satisfy,s the equation’ ------------ xpx+ypy = income

2:------ the budget line divides the entire commodity space into the attainable--------- and ------unattainable pairs.

        the existence of the unattainable set reflects the influence of the law of scarcity.

Scarcity: ----- (a situation in which the amount of something available is insufficient to satisfy the human wants.

3:----the Absolute-Slope of budget linen equal’ to the ratio of commodity prices as & budget line slope =         .Y/     .X=   .px/py.                   2/1     =      2/1    .     2=2

4:----slope almost is equa to the number of units of Y-----that the     consumer gives up                        for getting         an extra unit of x

5:----the budget line depends upon only two elements i: ------- an income

                                                                        ii:------ prices of commodity (x and y)

when either of these elements changes, budget line shifts to a new position.

Note. ----- it remain unaffected in the case of proportional change in income and prices.

Consumer Equilibrium ------ Maximization of Ordinal Utility.

Earlier we discussed IC curve  -------- “ a curve that shows the bundle of two goods which give the same satisfication to consumer”


budget line “ a straight line that contain different bundle of 2 good’s X and Y which----------a consumer’ can afford’.

       Now the question rises which combination’ of X and Y----a consumer’ actually purchases. Very simple answer of this problem------, consumer will purchase such a bundle of goods where his --------utility is maximized, and also he is said to be in equilibrium.

Here we now discuss the equilibrium technicallyand according the ordinal approach.

 1):.     ----- “the consumer is in equilibrium when the budget line is tangent to the highest possible indifference curve”

ii):.  ------ a consumer’ is in equili-brium when following two condition will fulfilled.

a):.    –when the absolute slope of budget line (which shows the price ratios of two commodity as the ----px/py -----and IC slope (which shows MRSxy=dy/dx) are equal.

Dy/Dx= py/px                                                (necessary condition for equilibrium)

b):.    --------at equilibrium the IC must be convx to the origin.(sufficient condition)

explanation:----------- in this diagram .we have indifference curve map consisting of three IC,S while the budget line is “AF”

We know that a consumer has two option now,

     Either he wants to maximize his satisfaction, r he wants to minimize his cost

In the diagram both are explained.

i):* --- a consumer cannot attain the equilibrium on IC3 becoz it is above the range.

ii):*the consumer again not get the equilibrium on IC1 becoz it gives him less satisfaction

ii:*- accordingly the consumer get equilibrium onIC2 becoz there both (ICand BL)are tangent   and---------------- necessary , sufficient condition are fulfilled.

·         A:----(slope of IC = slope of budget line &

                                                                       Dy/Dx= px/py

·        B:---(IC is also convex to the origin)

So we can say that consumer is in equilibrium position at IC2

And purchase OXe of x and OYe of commodity Y.

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