What is capitalism; define its merits and demerit




Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned.”

Organizations in business make products for a marketplace with the help of demand and supply forces. Fundamental capitalism is the presupposition that private enterprise is very competent system to organize activity in economic.


Adam smith revealed this concept in his book “Wealth of Nations (1776)” approving the free-market in which the business man is ‘directed by in-visible hands to encourage an end which was no part of his intent.’

The system of economy is based upon political-economy. Democracy is important feature of this ruling system.

However, capitalism in its ideal logic can-not be observe anywhere in all over the world, what exist is free-competition and government authority.


1.     Capitalism is a type of economic system in which most resources are owned and controlled by the people.

2.     ----“as the social system based on the individual right.”

3.     ----The economic-system which is classified by the following

         i) ---- Ownership prevails in private-property—

        ii)  ----individual and enterprises are permitted to contend for their personal (we can say a center of international private enterprise).

4.     -----capitalism is also given the name of laissez faire economy.

The term laissez faire means leave us alone. There is no need of government intervention. So we can say that, capitalism is nothing else but economic freedom subject to few limitation imposed by the state.

Features of capitalism

1.     ------Laissez Faire Economy

The capitalism is given as natural system of economics, free-enterprise economy. The consumer is like those voters who cast their vote’s ̶with the help of his money.

2.     -----a system of self interest

The self interest system completely works under the intention of self-interest. Each unit of economics aims to work, what is greatest for oneself. It is explained like this:

Every consumer desires to utility maximization.

Every producer desires to profit maximization.

3.     -----right of private property

Under this system one can acquire private property; he can consume exchange or manage the property.

4.     -----role of price mechanism

All the central decisions of the economy like what to produce, how much to produce are arrived through the price mechanism.

5.     -----consumer is the king

In this system consumer is compared as king. The producer produces those goods which consumer demanded.

6.     -----economic freedom

Everyone is free to do any business he likes, but according the law

7.     -----freedom of contact

Everyone is free to contact with other citizen for his own profit.

8.     -----Dominant role of entrepreneur

Under capitalism, the private entrepreneur plays vital role. He hires the other and pays them.

9.     -----specialization

Under this system productive efficiency increases because of this method.

10.                          -----profit goes with risk

He who risks his money must earn profit

11.                         -----The system of limited role of government

 There is limited role of government. Government performs the duties of law and order, issue the currency, and save the domestic border.

Capitalism Disadvantages (Demerits)

1: ----Unequal distribution of wealth

The result of this system is that wealth goes into few hands, richer becomes richer and poor becomes poorer.

2:---Class distinction

Due to this system society is divided in to two classes, rich and poor

Richer enjoys all amenities of life. While majority faces poverty and hunger.

3:---Cause of unrest in society

There is lot of hatred between labor and capital class.

4:---Cause of overproduction and crises

In this system producer produce more to get maximum profit and they ignore the demand side. Supply increases than the demand and it becomes the cause of crises.

5:---Causes of unemployment

When over production will take place the producer will decrease the production and the rate of unemployment will rise.

6:---Misuse of resources

A lot of money is wasted on advertisement in competition. It is great loss of resources.

7:---Misallocation of resources

In capitalistic economy only those goods are produced which gives larger profit, in this way resources are not properly allocated.

8:---Monopolistic association

In Capitalist loots the people by making monopolies. They create shortage of goods and earn maximum profit.

9:---Social welfare is neglected

In this system no attention is paid to the sick and poor people

10:---Cause of war

To find new market in the world sometimes competition becomes the cause of the war.

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