Derive the demand curve from (PCC) price consumption curve with graph and explanation

In order to derive consumer,s demand curve from (pcc)we explain firstly,

What is demand curve and PCC

Demand curve:----*  “a curve represents how much of a commodity is purchases at different prices”.(we can say there is relationship(between price &quantity)

Price Consumption Curve(PCC):--- we can get PCC from PE by joining the equilibrium points as E1, E2, E3

·        the locus of all successive equilibrium points are known as PC.

          Such PCC is attributed to j.r.hicks.

·        the price consumption indicates the various amount of commodity bought by the consumer when its price changes

Now we drive demand curve “Marshallian demand curve or ordinary demand curve with the help of PCC or Hickian indifference curve.

Assumptions: --- *  

·        the money to be spent is constant which is Rs 20.

·        Price of X falls and income and price of Y remain constant.

·        The consumer is rational.

Note. We are assuming to drive the demand curve for X commodity.

                                                  Schedule for (DD)

Px=4.        P1

Px=2.        P2

Px=1.        P3




v a

v b

v c


Explaintion:the individual DD curve is derived simply as follows  if  i=20 x=4,py=2

The budget line isAB and equilibrium at E1 and, Ox1 of X commodity     if  i=20 px=2,py=2

The budget line is shift as AB1 ,equ     at E2 and  Ox2 of Xcommodity     if  i=20 px=1,py=2

The budget line is shift as AB2 ,equ     at E3 and  Ox3 of xcommodity---------------

By joining all successive equ points we have PC.

Now we deduce the demand curve with the help of this schedule. As by the help of attaing values we.can get the demand curve DD           for commodity x shown in the diagram.*

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