The reason of applying ARDL (auto regressive distributive lag model) and applying method on E-views with videos and its interpretation

Reason of applying ARDL

This model is applied on time series data.

1.      If oder of integration of all variables is I(0) which indicates that all variable stationary at level

2.      If oder of integration of all variables is I(1) which indicates that all variable stationary at first at first difference

3.      If oder of integration of some variables is I(0) and oder of integration of some variables is I(1) which means that some variables are station at level and some are stationary at first difference.

So, if the 3rd condition is fulfilled then we apply ARDL model

                                                                                Unit Root Test

ARDL (auto regressive distributive lag model)

AR (auto regressive)

Auto regressive means there is no independent variable, so lags of dependent variable use as independent variable. The model regresses with its own value is called auto regressive.

DL (distributive lag)

Distributive lag means we also use lag of independent variable

Example:   consumption is a function of income

Income cannot only effect current consumption but also effect previous years consumption.

Short run results

First of all select dependent variable and put finger on ctrl baton then select independent variable

 – Open- as equation- selecting ARDL model –ok


The coefficient of education indicates that there is a negative and significant relationship between education and poverty in a short run, which means that one percent increase in education poverty increase 1.7 percent and all remaining variables explain like this. (-1) (-2) (-3)…. lag values (previous year value one year previous, 2 year previous and so on)

    Short run results

Long run results and ECT

View- coefficients diagnostic- cointegration and long form


In the long run education has insignificant effect on poverty. The value of ECT must be negative and significant which means shock return to equilibrium but in this model value is positive and insignificant.

               Long run results and ECT

Bound test

View- coefficients diagnostic- bounds test


The value of f-statistics is greater than lower and upper bound values so we rejecting null hypothesis of no long run relation exist. Long run relation exists in this model. 

                   Bound test

Serial correlation LM test

View-residual diagnostics- serial correlation LM test


We cannot reject the null hypothesis of no serial co-relation. Serial correlation exists in this model. This is very good.. 

            Serial correlation LM test

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