OLS(Ordinary Least Square)
Reasons of applying OLS(Ordinary Least Square)
we apply OLS on time series data
Time series data
- one country
- large numbers of year
Data file importing on E-views
For stationarity, we apply augmented dickey fuller unit root test. First step is to check the graph of the variables if graph line touch with y-xix then we add intercept in it and if graph line is cervical (ups and down) then we add trend.
H0= stationary
H1= non stationary
if prob value less then 0.05 then we accept null hypothesis otherwise reject and alternative accept.
if all variables stationary at level then we apply OLS model.
Unit root test
OLS(Ordinary Least Square)
H0= prob value greater then 0.05
H1 prob value less then 0.05
if prob value less then 0.05 then we accept alternative hypothesis otherwise reject and null accept.