The reason of applying GMM (Generalized Method of Moments) and applying method on E-views with images and its interpretation


Reason of applying GMM (Generalized Method of Moments)

If the problem of endogeneity exists in data, then we apply Generalized Method of Moments. We distinguish three types of variables. We know of endogenous variables, instrumented variables and external variables. The instrumental variable is very important and one of the greatest challenges is to choosing the right instrument. Now we say that the core issue here about panel data analysis is installation, where by the supposed dependent and independent variables may be weekly journals, meaning that the variables may be correlated with present and past realizations of the error time. we talk about endogenous variables, instrumental variables and another thing to also note is that the eggs are not variables, or among the regressors we may also have purely exudes variables, endogenous variables and predetermined variables now predetermined variables are the like value of the dependent variable Y purely exogenous variable may be variables in the regression that are purely Exiles.

Endogenous variables are variables that are correlated with the error term and of course also remember that this is the dynamic model whereby the predetermined variable which is the light value of the regular the pandemic variable is predominantly correlated with the error term. Now what we do when we are faced with this kind of a situation. The first thing to do is to go into the search for instrumental variable. How we determine the right instruments an instrumental variable should be purely a genius and it must be relevant such that it greatly determines and it totally influences the regression in question.

The regressor in question, for instance, one may be interested in looking at how investment affects the economy.  Now if you are looking at how investment affect the economy you may have to look at what variable directly affects investment but it is not included  in the analysis the variable that we can use theoretically, because this is a theoretical issue. Now we may have to guide you in selecting the instrument. If you look further theoretically, the major determinant of investment is interest rate in conventional economies so the major determinant of investment is interest rate now if you are looking at impact of investment on economic growth you may have to see interest rate as the instrument in order to be able to use instrument investment, because investment can also be eternal and endogenous variable.

·        In GMM (Generalized Method of Moments) T should be small and N large. If T large and N small, the problem of biasness will be appear.

·        GMM also controls omitted variables biasness

·        GMM controls unobserved heterogeneity in panel

·        GMM controls measurement errors

Dynamic panel GMM

In dynamic panel GMM, the lag of dependent variable use as an instrument variable.

First of all select dependent variable reer (real effective exchange rate) and then select independent variables. After selecting the dependent variable put figure on ctrl.

Right click-open- as Equation


After that select GMM method and put lag of dependent variable.

Go on instrument tab and put equation on it with lag of dependent variable- ok

Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) results shows that the estimated value of FDI is significant and shows a positive relationship between FDI and REER. Its value of .311050 implies that a 1 unit increase in the FDI lead to increase the .311050 units in REER. Interpret all variables like this. Value of R square is 80 which shows model is good fit 80 %.

Difference GMM (Generalized Method of Moments)

Reason of applying GMM (Generalized Method of Moments)

Difference GMM solve the problem of endogeneity by: first one is transforming all regressors thru differencing and second one is removes fixed effects.

Set equation in specification and put instrument variable in instruments then Click on dynamic panel wizard-ok

The dialog box opens in your window written with title of Welcome to the Dynamic Panel data Model Wizard- Next

Reer (real effective exchange rate) use as dependent variable- Next

Then select Independent variables- Next
By default differences is selected- Next

Select 2nd lag of dependent variable- Next

List of other instruments-Next
By default white period is select- Next

At last click on Finish and then ok


If prob value of a variable is less than 0.05 which indicates that variable is significant statistically. Results show that the estimated value of FDI is significant and shows a positive relationship between FDI and REER. Its value of .545139 implies that a 1 unit increase in the FDI lead to increase the .545139 units in REER. Interpret all variables like this.

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