The reason of applying FMOLS (Fully Modified Ordinary Least Square) and applying method on E-views with images and its interpretation

Reason of applying FMOLS (Fully Modified Ordinary Least Square)

  • 1.     This model contains different categories of several time series models and these models       directly estimate the long run relationship between dependent and independent variables.
  • 2.       These models correct the problem of endogeneity in the time series.
  • 3.       In FMOLS models, we also apply cointegration equations.
  • 4.       All variables should be non stationary at level and stationary at first difference which means its oder of integration is always I(1).
  • 5.       First of all we apply cointegration test, if long run relation exist then we further precede FMOLS model.

FMOLS is very appropriate estimation technique for panel data.

Panel data

  1.           Large number of years
  2.          Large number of countries

For FMOLS model technique, we using data on SAARC countries and GDP use as dependent variable and independent variables are Foreign Direct Investment, savings, capital investment, education spending and life expectancy.

Panel cointegration model

We can run panel cointegration model.

I go to Quick- group statisticsjohansen cointegration test

Firstly, we select dependent variable or target variable and independent variables then press ok

  So here panel conintegration test dialog box open. In this box three types of test are presenting and out of these three tests. I shall choose only test one and test two such as pedroni (Engle Granger based) and Kao (Engle Granger based).

Pedroni test

Pedroni test has three shapes:

  1.          Individual intercept
  2.          Individual intercept and individual trend
  3.         No intercept or trend

We shall check all these shapes and here we select Automatic Selection it is lag selection criteria (optimum lag selection).

First, we proceed with shape individual intercept- ok

Results of Pedroni test with individual intercept

Null hypothesis: no co-integration

Trend assumption: no deterministic trend

There are list of all dependent and independent variables. This test contain seven statistics such as panel v-statistic, panel rho-statistic, panel pp-statistic, panel ADF-statistic, group rho-statistic, group pp-statistic and group ADF-statistic also here is weighted stastic and its corresponding probability. There are two thongs first one is within dimension and send one is between dimensions. There are 11 outcomes of prob values.

If prob value is greater than 0.05(in-significant) then we accept null hypothesis which means that there is no co-integrating relationship exit in these variables. If prob value is less than 0.05(significat) then we reject null hypothesis which means that there is co-integrating relationship exit in these variables. If majority of variables are significant which means that majority of variables can reject the null hypothesis and can accept the alternative hypothesis so our variables are cointegrating these variables have long run association. Same as with results of Pedroni test of individual intercept and individual trend, no intercept or trend. If in these test shapes, majority of prob values is insignificant which means that there is no cointegration or long run relationship exist in these variables and vice versa.

In these three shapes, if majority of prob value of two shapes is significant so in this model log ran relationship is exist.

Kao (Engle Granger based)

The results of kao test shows pro value is 0.054 which indicates that we reject null hypothesis of no co-integration and accept alternative hypothesis of co-integration. There is long run relationship exist in these variables.

FMOLS (Fully Modified Ordinary Least Square)

When the variables are co-integrated then we have the validity to run the long run model such as panel FMOLS Model.


Go to quick – Estimate Equation then select co-integrating regression

First select dependent variables and then independent variables- in trend specification select none- panel method- group- method- fully modified OLS (FMOLS) – ok


Results indicate that all variables are statistically significant except saving. Trade openness has positive impact on economic growth. Life expectancy and FDI have positive impact on economic growth but education, and capital investment has negative impact on economic growth.







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